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Please read the instructions, if you would like to know more about this platform or the data collection process.
If you have any questions related to the survey, please contact us. We might add your request to the FAQs below if your question is relevant for other users. The questions and answers are sorted by survey with a general section at the beginning that applies to all surveys:
Who can submit the data and how? The data submitted should be signed off by the national contact person (NCP), including name, institution and contact details (email/phone) to facilitate any feedback. Please, indicate contact details of additional experts that helped. Accessing the questionnaires and submitting the collected data is only possible when you are registered on the UNSCEAR online platform.
Why are only NCPs allowed to submit the collected data? The collected data should be signed off by a person who represents official national authorities. NCPs are officially nominated by their countries to coordinate the data collection and submission and are required to registered on the UNSCEAR online platform.
By when should the answered questionnaires be submitted? Please refer to the respective survey topic for specific dates. For the public exposure survey, please submit the filled out questionnaires / spreadsheet by 30th of September 2021. UNSCEAR is interested in all national responses even if the information is incomplete.
How are the uncertainties defined? The 'uncertainty estimate' could be based on a standard uncertainty analysis (e.g. Standard Deviation at 1 Sigma, which provides a level of confidence of approx.68%). If there was no analysis conducted, an uncertainty single value (not range) should be chosen, best fitting one of the following criteria:
Why do you need information on the detailed questionnaire? The UNSCEAR assessment gathers as much data as possible to analyse the extent of radiological exposure. This approach requires detailed information provided by countries.
Should a country participate in the survey even if it doesn't have complete data? Yes, participation in the survey - even if a country doesn’t have all information - is important for UNSCEAR’s evaluation. Some data is better than no data.
What if I have more questions? More instructions on how to fill in the information are given in the questionnaire’s spreadsheet 'Introduction' and 'Notes' and in the cells 'comment field', which become visible when placing the mouse cursor on the title cell. However, please feel free to contact us through this form or by email.
For questions and answers related to public exposure, please refer to this FAQ document.
Registered users can access the material and recordings of the webinars.
Why are the numbers of frequencies of examination, procedures or treatments required to be extrapolated to 100%? UNSCEAR uses this data for its global assessment of radiological exposure. If precise numbers are not available, countries are asked to make best estimates extrapolated to 100% of the national activities.
Why the number of all physicians is requested? The UNSCEAR Health Care Levels are based on the number of physicians per population in the countries and is an important piece of information to improve the accuracy of the global estimate of radiological exposure from medical uses of radiation.
Data for which years are collected? The essential information questionnaires (simplified data) on medical exposure ask for the most recent available data. The detailed questionnaires on medical exposure also collect the most recent data while the occupational exposure questionnaire collects data from 2003 until 2014 (each year in a separate sheet).
What are the major data requirements for the occupational essential questionnaire? The 'Number of occupationally exposed workers' should be listed by sector. The 'Uncertainty' should be filled in as instructed in the question 5. The 'Monitoring coverage' should provide the percentage of workers covered by routine monitoring programs in your country. If all workers are monitored on routine basis, indicate 100%.
Why is the data about the occupational doses optional? The data gathered will be used for the extrapolation and it is recognized that countries might find it hard to acquire such information in a short notice, although they are encouraged to do so.
Why is the deadline of the simplified questionnaire so soon? UNSCEAR needs to further develop the extrapolation model in order to be prepared for the evaluation of the detailed questionnaires.
Data for which years are collected? The essential information questionnaires (simplified data) on occupational exposure ask for the most recent available data. The detailed questionnaires on medical exposure also collect the most recent data while the occupational exposure questionnaire collects data from 2003 until 2014 (each year in a separate sheet).