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Registration of users

Please fill in the information requested below to register on the UNSCEAR online platform. UNSCEAR needs to validate your request before you will be able to use the system. The validation process could take some time.


When registering to the UNSCEAR online platform, personal data will be processed and stored by the UNSCEAR secretariat for the duration necessary for the fulfillment of the purpose of contributing to UNSCEAR’s Global Survey of Radiation Exposure. The legal basis for processing your personal data is your consent.

Make sure you supply a valid e-mail address as it will be used as login identification and for providing your password.

(Firstname Lastname)
(incl. International Dialing Prefix)

(Select your country)

Countries are requested to nominate a National Contact Person (NCP) via official channels to coordinate the national submission to the UNSCEAR secretariat.

Please click below if you are a National Contact Person.

Please select the discipline(s) you are contributing to the data collection. Multiple selection is possible.

start.txt · Last modified: 2021/06/17 08:03 (external edit)